How to support someone with Crohns

Being around with someone with Crohns whether they are your friend, family member or just a loved one can be just as hard as having Crohns itself, so in this post i am going to help you how to support someone with Crohns.

Is that all your eating?
Previous experience whilst out eating with family and friends, is that the constant comment of when you finish eating even though your plate is still half stacked with food. This is not our fault that suddenly we are not hungry enough to eat a full meal, somedays we can surprise you and eat like a pig but most days we wont.

(ooh maple syrup!!!)

Also, with the subject of eating, its very hard for a Crohnie to know what they can't or can eat for example you search many sites on the internet and they all tell you different foods you can or cant eat but they arent all the same foods. Great advice for you wonderful sufferers out there start making a food plan on what foods trigger and what foods are safe to eat.

You look fine!
When a crohnie says they dont feel well, but look absolutley fine, DO NOT SAY you look fine. You honestly dont know what sort of pain they go through or even the amount of energy they have that day. Support them by being there and try to help them (even if they dont want it because more than likely they are just too stubborn to accept it, such as myself)

Just like the picture above, a crohnies day can be so exhausting even getting out of bed, washing themselves or getting dressed, soooo if theres an event thats been in the planning for weeks and a crohnie decides to pull out at the last minute dont be angry at them, they didnt mean to do it and also this can put a mental strain on themselves because they think they are worthless. Best way is to say 'thats ok, i hope you feel better soon' or 'is there anything i can do for you' it does really mean alot to them.

The point is really crohnies are just as normal as anyone else, except with all the medication, hospital visits , sudden bouts of being down or nervous about operations or the next doctors appointment. Crohnies (including myself) need more assurance of that things will be ok and through this they will know that they have a support blanket for them.

For crohnies, dont try to push people who care that try their best to help you out in the end they will give up, yes we all have those days where you want to be left alone but that wont help, what im trying to say is that even though how stubborn you are you cant do everything on your own it will affect your health and well being.

Remember keep strong and dont let Crohns affect your life you're way stronger than that!!


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