Issues after issues

Hey all

So a lot has happened this year as it nearly at an end, and I thought it was time to write a blog to express how I feel at the moment.

At the moment, I am really struggling with anything along with Crohn's sort of nudging me along just a reminder that it's still there. I have some kidney stone issues, but recent blood tests have come back to say that my liver is functioning on borderline, everyone wants me to find out what's going on but I mentally cannot find the strength to do that.
With that in mind, I've become to just shut people out and build a wall, so no one can come close.

I do have a CT scan soon and hopefully that will give some answers. With all this going on, mentally I'm not good, I'm not really asking for help, this is just a coping mechanism to let it out in a form where I don't have to talk face to face to anyone.

On a good note, I am taking a plunge and going to Tokyo at Christmas, on my own. Hopefully, this will give me some time to think things and maybe open up to some hidden parts of me. I seriously can't wait and think I deserve some Nath time 😂. I am crapping myself about it but all would be good.

I hope all of you are in good spirits and everything's good in your lives.

Until the next blog, be safe, be good and do what makes you happy.



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