End of year update

Hello lovely people, hope you had a wonderful christmas!!

So i am finally back on the infusions few days ago i just had my second lot and also seen my doctor which i will discuss in further detail later.

I thought in this post i will try and give a little bit of light heartedness for once.

As you have read my previous posts, you will know that crohns disease isnt easy but sometimes there are points in your life that will make you happy:

Family & Friends

These are to the people who have stuck by my side when i was at my worst, to the people who have supported me in many ways but also were there when I needed them the most from visiting me at the hospital, taking me to get my infusions and listening to me when needed. To me, you are the most important things in my life and without you i wouldnt be where i am now. Thanks guys!!

Hospital staff

365 days the doctors, nurses and the ambulance service works to make sure everyone in the country are cared for yet all you hear is how bad a service they do all over the news, without these guys there would be no treatment for the sick. They work on the important holidays where they should be their family and friends yet they gave up their privilegde just to help the sick. Thank you for all your hard work this year!!

You 'lovely people'

If you lovely people didnt read my blog i would of stopped but when all the compliments i have been getting this year have given me the courage to carry on with this. Whether you have Crohns or you just want to know what it is.... Thank you.

Well on with my little update, as i have said i am back on my infusions but this tiime it is abit different as once again i am in a trial to see how my body holds up against this new type of infliximab called Inflectra while being on this trial i have another specialist who will be coming to my infusions to ask me questions and monitor me regulary. The amount of people that are on this trial in the EU are 1 in 3300, hopefully what we give and do will help in the future for people who need this drug. The side effects i have been having arent the most pleasant ones such as;

  • Vomiting
  • Burning sensation all over my body (more on my legs)
  • Feeling weak
  • Being tired (like getting out of bed and want to go back to sleep straight away)
  • Achey joints
  • Acne on my back and shoulders
  • Pain where my gall bladder was
Hopefully after a while this effects will go. I do have the option to drop out of the trial but i won't think about that unless something terribly goes wrong.

I also saw a member of Dr Shaws team, who informed me that my bloods are better than his own but didnt quite understand why I am so tired, so i will be getting the pleasure of doing another poop in the bottle test, beats having a camera up your backside.

So this is where i am at the moment, sort of pushing myself on my day to day routine but also knowing not to take too much on and knowing when to stop and relax a bit.

As we are nearing the end of 2016 it has been an eventful year with whats been going on in the world but 2017 is coming and lets make it a year to remember.

To all my readers, thank you so much and i will speak to you in the new year.



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