Flare up

Hi all you lovely people, sorry i haven't been on this for awhile bit busy and all but i am here now and yes i am still waiting for my test results been waiting for 6ish weeks, I have been chasing my specialist for this but all i get is wait for a letter for an appointment to see him, so i guess he has got the results of the biopsy.

Anyway, this time i will be explaining what a flare up is, how it starts, why it starts and how it feels.

Flare ups is what crohnies have from time to time and we hate it but each different flare up can vary, so one day it can be managable but other days it can bring anyone with crohns to a full stop in anything and reduce us to stay in bed and only move to the toilet when needed.

A bad flare up can be so painful it makes me feel like someone has gone inside my belly and started to stab away with a knife, it can drain my energy in an instance! I also tend to feel abit low when this is happening. It also makes me not want to eat just because the thought of having food and possibly making it worse. It generally lasts 2-5 days for me depending on the severity of the flare up. While not on any medication i tend to give myself Paracetamol, ones that are easy on the stomach, and i also take buscopan just to take the edge off, even though these do help, they dont last long enough for a break with the flare up.

Now in some cases flare ups can be seriously bad and could make you have a stay in hospital, personally i have only had 2 instances where i was hospitalised for a week each, with me being put on an IV drip, steroids and having the nurses making fill out a 'poop form' (basically telling the nurses what the poo looks like in shape and form, and how many times you have been to the loo).

So after the flare up has passed my energy levels arent great, i will be tired for at least a day but i am back doing my normal duties, in this period i will be taking copious amounts of lucozade energy drinks, these help alot!!!

Why does a flare up start? well, there is no definitive answer to this, it could possibly be anything from eating spicy or non spicy food to emotionally feeling unwell or stress. Some few pointers to try and reduce the chance of flare ups;

  1. Don't eat plenty of spicy food depending on your tolerace to this, a treat now and then wouldnt hurt,
  2. If your feeling down, go for walks, enjoy the sunshine, do your favourite hobbies or just do the things you love the most!!!
  3. Don't let things get to you, work wise or personal issues, seriously don't, ITS NOT WORTH IT,  trust me, i have been there before you are not helping yourself!
  4. Don't strain yourself, take your time with stuff such as cleaning the house, first do the living room then take a breather (5-10 minutes) then move on to the kitchen and if you don't clean the house in the day then you have always got tomorrow.
  5. If you feel like you are about to have a flare, cancel plans, put your pjs on, turn on the tv and pull over the duvet, why not, treat yourself!
Thats it really, probably a flare up are the worst in my opinion im still struggling with my weight after my last flare up just due to not eating but i will get there and so will you when you have one just think to yourself that tomorrow is a new day, a new and improved you because you are a warrior!!

So the next blog will be about a more indepth of the types of medications we can take. Like i have said in my previous blogs if you have a question or just need someone to chat to my email is nathanp123@live.com whether you don't speak good english i can translate it.

Stay safe, be strong, your awesome and keep fighting!!!



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