Colonscopy eurgh

In my last blog i did promise you lovely peeps that i will do a sort of story about my colonoscopy that i have got coming up.

5 August

My poop making package came with two sachets of Moviprep and one sachet of Picolax. Sort now realised that ive got to go through this procedure for the fourth time in my 11 years. By now you would think i should be used to this, well im not its one of those things where you cant get used to, so with my anxiety creeping up on me, i have put myself back on my 'calming' tablets and listening to music to put my mind off it. Whilst im tring to put my mind off it, i am also doing the total opposite by prepping myself on what to eat closer the time to the procedure such as instead of eating solids 2 days before taking the Moviprep i will be eating/drinking soup so my belly doesnt take a bashing whilst sat on the throne.

13 August

So the day came where i had to take the satchets which i started with a soup for breakfast and then the rest of the day i could not eat. i started the Picolax at 2:00 p.m which basically opens your bowels so your poop comes out quicker and then at 6:00 pm i took one lot of two sachets of the Moviprep, now this makes you go to toilet pretty fast, this is why i took soup for 2 days as having solids hurts my belly whilst doing this, luckily at home, i have two toilets so theres always a spare for cases like this. I prepared well in advance for this such as making sure my tablet was fully charged and in the bathroom so i have something to do in there whilst unleashing my load and ALOT of toilet paper and wet wipes, trust me you will need this. In my personal opinion this is the worst part of this whole procedure as you cant eat all day you feel like utter poop. Now as i have said that you cant eat all day, there is a loop hole which i have done in all of the colonscopies that i have had and that is that you can take ice cream but, in my opinion, is only pick vanilla and DO NOT add any sauce or flavouring, you probably think why ice cream is he nuts?!?!? Due to ice cream actually melting into a liquid most of it wont get digested like a solid food would therefore it wont have much of an effect on the bowels. After this day i went to bed round 10:00 p.m. as the next day is just as a strain as today.

14 August
The day came, unfortunately at 5:30 a.m i awoke to take the last lot of Moviprep (woop....) at 6:00 a.m. and then to go to the hospital at the endoscopy unit to see whats going on. So i went in was given a form to answer the questions such as what mediction i am on and if i have any of the health problems listed out, stuff like that really and then the nurse calls my name and talks to me about the whole procedure and asks if i want to be sedated, obviously said yes to this. Then she takes you to the ward and gives you a gown and shorts with a hole at the back for the camera to go... (laugh away). Once you have got this on, they put you in a small waiting room waiting to go into the camera room. When i finally got called in, the Doctor who did it knew my specailist very well and had spoken to each other before the day to tal about what would happen, he explained this to me and asked abit about my crohns and also the infliximab infusions which i was on and also told me that half of the patients that he have spoken to relapse when taken off their infusions. After this chat, they sedated me, which happened pretty fast, and told me to lie on my left side and then he started with the proceedure which at the beginning did hurt as the gas was going in and the camera went round the first bend on my small intestine, after this i can barely remember except for when they found inflammation in the Terminal Ileum which is where the small and large intestine meet and also saw two polyps which he taken out and took small biopsys of the inflamed area, all of this, at this time present, is being look at to see if there is any underlying problems going on. After the proceedure i woe up in the ward, where i got given a cup of tea and biscuits and in my own tiime i got dressed and got told what happened in the proceedure and got given a summary sheet, which will also go to my specialist to see what the next step is. I left the hospital and immediately had something to eat and went home to chill out for the rest of the day.


So after a week of having this i have been quite tired and to be honest abit down with the results, which have left me abit quiet, this is my own way just to assess whats going on (This blog has taken me a week to do as i havent really been concentrating...sorry peeps).

Right now i am waiting for an appointment to see my specialist to see what he wants me to do next, at this time i honestly dont know whats going to happen but i will keep you informed once i know.

Again, thanks for taking the time to read this whether you have crohns or just want to know what happens to us crohnies. Crohnies you are physically AND mentally strong not many people know how hard it is having to put up with this disease but trust me you are doing it fantastically!!


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