
Hi there peeps.

In my last blog i promised you that i would tell you what is going on with me. Well as you know i went to my specialist due to all the pain i have been getting lately, he told me that i would have to have a calprotectin faecal test and the outcome of this test would decide whether i would have a colonoscopy test, he has also put me as an urgent case and have informed me that i also have colitis (i will discuss this in a next blog).

So i did my poop test and a few days later i received a letter asking for me to book for a colonoscopy test so this is where i am at, at the moment.

While recieving this news, i feel pretty annoyed and worried, even though i have had 3 colonoscopies before its the whole procedure of going through a colonscopy. In the UK, the NHS gives people who need a colonoscopy will be given a medicine called either Moviprep or Kleanprep which as it says make you flush your guts out and sometimes can make you vomit loads.

So thats it for now, i was going to stop for awhile just because i need my own time getting round this but i have had people (people i dont know and people i know) to carry on with this as it helps them out as well.

In my next post, i will tell you how a colonoscopy procedure goes. All you crohnies out there stay strong, you are worth more than you think and to all the people who are there for Crohnies, you are truely epic and inspirational!!!


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