Remsima and update!!

Hey all, how are we all doing?? Sorry i havent been posting blogs for a while now, sort of been busy buuuuuut i am back and to give you some info on another new biosimilar infliximab drug that i have been trialing called Remsima and to give you an update on where i am at the moment. Remsima Remsima (Rem-see-ma) is another biosimilar from the Anti-tnf drug called Infliximab, its a cheaper solution than Infliximab while doing the same job. It is taken the same way as Infliximab and Inflectra via intravenous drip into the arm and helped pushed through using a machine, again same as the Infliximab and Inflectra, this takes roughly 2 hours depending on the patient, at the moment for me it takes 1 hour to put through my body and then a further hour just to see if anything bad happens. The amount that a person takes in one session is depending on the persons weight, i think its 5ml to 1kg, next time i got one is on 1 September 2017, i will double check if i got the measurments righ...