Flare up

Hi all you lovely people, sorry i haven't been on this for awhile bit busy and all but i am here now and yes i am still waiting for my test results been waiting for 6ish weeks, I have been chasing my specialist for this but all i get is wait for a letter for an appointment to see him, so i guess he has got the results of the biopsy. Anyway, this time i will be explaining what a flare up is, how it starts, why it starts and how it feels. Flare ups is what crohnies have from time to time and we hate it but each different flare up can vary, so one day it can be managable but other days it can bring anyone with crohns to a full stop in anything and reduce us to stay in bed and only move to the toilet when needed. A bad flare up can be so painful it makes me feel like someone has gone inside my belly and started to stab away with a knife, it can drain my energy in an instance! I also tend to feel abit low when this is happening. It also makes me not want to eat just because the th...