
Showing posts from October, 2016

The types of medication

Hello once again its me!!! Hope all my readers are doing well? I shall tell you at the end of this blog where i am at with the whole waiting for my colonoscopy. So today i am going to tell you what types of medication that people with crohns may have to take, hopefully explain what they do, how they calm symptoms doing and what side effects could occur whilst on these treatments. So i'll start off with the initial drugs first of all; Corticosteroids (Corty-co-stare-iods) This one is the most likely to be the first type of medication that a person who has been recently diagnosed with Crohns disease, such as myself, i was given a course of steriods that would last over a period of 8 weeks starting with 8 tablets for the first week and then graduly reducing 1 tablet after every 1 week. These types of steriods are commonly known as Prednisolone and Hydrocortisone steriods. The side effects that you could get from this are weight gain, swelling of the face (most comm...