
Showing posts from June, 2016


I know this maybe a waste of a post but i would like to say a very big THANK YOU to everyone who have came up to me to praise me for my two posts, it has really inspired me to do more and i wouldn't of done it without the support you girls and guys have given me expect more serious but also funny posts in the future. Once again you girls and guys are the reason i am doing this without you i wouldnt do it, at first i thought this was stupid to do but you have showed me that its not THANK YOU WITH ALL MY HEART (AND MY GUTS!!!) Nath

Symptoms, side effects and complications of Crohns

First of all i would like to say thank you to everyone who read my first blog and also encouraged me to carry on with it. So with Crohns Disease it is not as easy to say what symptoms, side effects and complications you have as each person is effected differently, so what i will do is put down the whole list and tell you lovely peeps on which ones i get (this may get update in the future depending on and if i get any feedback or any news): Diarrhoa - This could include blood, mucus and pus. Cramping pains in the abdomen - Now this pain is far worse than any other pain that i personally experienced, it feels like someone just rammed their hand into your belly and start grabbing everything. Tiredness and fatigue - This can be due to the illness, from anaemia, the medication that you are on or just from the lack of sleep due to going to the toilet or having to put up with the pain every now and then. Feeling unwell - Due to having a low immune system or from taking medication, a ...

Where it all began...

Hi my name is Nath and yes i am fortunate to have an illness called crohns disease which not many people know about and with many people that have this illness, they dont like to talk about it much due to what it can do, which i will get to later on. First i would like to tell you a little bit of my story. When i was 16, i began to feel unwell such as extreme tiredness, weight loss, loss of blood through the anus, loss of appetite like i wouldnt eat much the whole day and the worst was belly pain.  When all of this happened i kept this to myself as i was embarressed to say anything to anyone and struggled abit until one day i woke up with my bottom lip clustered with ulcers which made my bottom lip look huge which was hard to hide this. By this time, i couldnt stand my belly pain as i would curl up on the sofa which my parents called the NHS helpline to see if i needed to go to hospital, they said that i had a bug that would go after 5 days. After those 5 days i was still suffe...